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EL Method

How to Eliminate Excessive Inhibitions and Become a Liberated Person:

Do you suffer from shyness, self-consciousness, blushing, fear of public speaking, stage fright, lack of self-confidence and other emotional inhibitions?

Then help yourself to eliminate these inhibitions here and now with the EL Method!

Picture: El Method - by Tony Gaschler - Package includes introductory guide, 10 step programs, exercise content, pendulum board, ISBN/EAN 978-3-936612-14-1, English language version ............................................................ Available in the following versions: .................. >PRINTVERSION (Softcover, gloss laminated) >EBOOKVERSION (World standard: EPUB, AZW)

The EL METHOD (Emotional Liberation Method) by Tony Gaschler is an INTENSIVE ELIMINATION METHOD, which you can use to rid yourself quickly of unwanted psychological and social inhibitions in a surprisingly easy way without needing help from anyone else.

The EL Method has only been available in an English language version since 2007. The same version is available in German entitled “EE-Methode“ and has been presented to great success on German TV (October 2000), resulting in sales of more than 60,000 copies.

Read how this method works and what it can do for you:

Which NEGATIVE INHIBITIONS are mentioned most often in everyday speech?

There are numerous different psychological and social inhibitions. To help you find out the inhibition traits and feelings that you are suffering from personally, here is a short list:

If you are still not sure, then do this self-test…

… and find out in the privacy of your own home the current level of your social abilities. Use this test to easily rank your personal degree of inhibition.

What are the CAUSES of psychological inhibitions?

First of all, it must be clearly and explicitly stated that psychological inhibitions are not abnormal, nor are they a form of illness, put simply, they are completely normal and logical patterns of behavior.

Inhibitions are false and impractical patterns of behavior that, once they have been learnt and acquired, are like any other habit in that they occur automatically and without any conscious intent.

Scientifically put: psychological inhibitions are inhibitory RESPONSE SYSTEMS. They cause the person afflicted to react with inhibitions in social situations and towards other people, and these reactions occur automatically and without conscious awareness.

Contrary to inhibited people, those who are not restrained by inhibitions have an unrestricted and self-assured RESPONSE SYSTEM that allows them to react freely and with self-confidence in any situation and in social interactions.

A person’s behavior in any situation is always a consequence of his or her upbringing and personal experience.

The main cause of psychological inhibitions can be traced back to acquired habits, to holding back emotions, and to not expressing them.

People afflicted in this way have usually learnt an unconscious pattern of behavior in their childhood and adolescence that restricts and inhibits their natural way of expressing their emotions. These behavior patterns have often been triggered by learning processes that have repeatedly suppressed the natural development of their emotions during adolescence.

However, this does not cause feelings to be eliminated. On the contrary, suppressed emotions cause inhibitions to become unconscious behavioral responses that trigger feelings of anxiety and self-limitations.

It is not only during our formative years that inhibitions develop; even as adults we can develop inhibitory patterns of behavior following harmful and negative experiences.

Not only is your self-development affected by inhibitions, your feelings of happiness are also affected. Happiness is a natural conscious state that everyone strives to attain. True feelings of happiness can only be achieved if you are able to develop and find self-fulfillment within your own environment and society. Many people from every social group and from every level of education are prevented from finding happiness, from achieving self-fulfillment, from taking their rightful place in society, and from achieving professional recognition because of their emotional inhibitions. If you want to achieve your goals, you have to invest much more time and energy than those who exude self-assurance and confidence.

Tragic though the effects of inhibitions might be, there is also a simple way of removing them. A highly-effective self-help technique with distinct effective factors can be used to help you replace inhibitions with a genuine and self-confident pattern of behavior in a short space of time. You can rid yourself of any feelings of inhibition or any outward signs of inhibition that so often make your life difficult.

What EFFECTIVE FACTORS are used to eliminate my inhibitions?

The well-known psychologist and hypnosis specialist, Tony Gaschler (based in Bavaria, Germany), has spent years researching and developing a special form of autosuggestion: “DYNAMIC AUTOSUGGESTION“. This dynamic autosuggestion method systematically erases old patterns of behavior, removes negative inhibitions and replaces them with new, self-assured RESPONSE SYSTEMS.

This dynamic method is unique and particularly effective.

The dynamic autosuggestion method has an advantage over other methods in that it is more intense, is faster and, above all, it acts fully automatically.

>> It does not matter whether you believe in it or not. It will always produce the same effective results. <<

Through your new, self-assured response system you will change your behavior patterns so quickly that even in the first weeks that you start practicing your success will be noticeable to your friends and associates.

Very often, clear noticeable effects take place following the first exercise and these continue to increase day by day. This is especially beneficial as you will find that these in turn increase your joy and enthusiasm for the entire method.

To establish a long-lasting effective and unrestricted response system, the period of time spent learning and practicing the system has been fixed at 10 weeks in total. Even when positive effects occur much earlier, you should still keep to this time period.

All the exercises are structured to fit in with the demands placed on your time schedule by our modern lifestyle. The individual exercises only take a few minutes each day.

Once you have acquired a new and unrestricted response system, this will then start to function automatically at a subconscious level.

Or, to put it another way, the previously inhibited individual will then automatically and subconsciously react to any situation and any other person in a completely unrestricted and self-assured manner. He or she is now free of their former repressive inhibitions and can develop freely and without any restrictions.

As a side effect, you will notice an increased joy of life, you will experience more feelings of happiness and will start to enjoy social interactions.

The complete study method comprises 10-steps. (see scope of delivery)

EL-Method on TV

EL Method on the R T L – MORNING SHOW

"Who helps me conquer my fears?" on 2 October 2000 - Host: Jacqueline Boyce

The editorial department of RTL has picked up the problem of "fear" prevalent worldwide and brings it out in the open on the RTL Morning Show in a discussion involving experts and people affected by the anxiety problem.

The affected persons participating in the show illustrated the range of possible anxieties, neuroses, phobias, and fears by providing examples. Experts explained during the show what options are now available to eliminate these types of specific fears.

It is nothing new in our hectic times that fear and feelings of anxiety can also be triggered by emotional and social inhibitions. This affects people with phobic tendencies such as fear of contact, fear of touching, fear of conversations and discussions, fear of speaking in public – up to and including the fear of failure in front of certain persons or group of people.

Repetitive feelings of insecurity such as blushing, shyness, and severe stage fright can trigger anxiety attacks or similar symptoms.

EE-Methode on TV

The authoritative expert Frank Stange has introduced a special method developed specifically for these types of problems.

This is the EL Method (Emotional Liberation Method) discovered by Mr. Stange, who himself was afflicted by excessive emotional inhibitions in his youth, while searching for a solution to his problem.
Mr. Stange reports about the success of the EL Method. The Method has sold more than 60,000 copies. Numerous thank-you-letters and testimonials attest to the positive results of the EL Method.

Tony Gaschler is the original author of the EL Methods who developed the method because he was excessively inhibited himself.
Mr. Stange explains how the EL Method works using a few examples. He points out the ease of use, easy to understand instructional material, and the success of the EL Method.

The EL Method is a highly effective self-instructional method to reduce excessive emotional inhibitions. It is well worth noting that excessive inhibitions are not a disease. Emotionally inhibited people are perfectly normal and healthy. They do not need a psychologist or a therapist.
Mr. Stange demonstrates how to program oneself with the uniquely further developed autosuggestion method by Tony Gaschler.

R e m a r k a b l e :
He indicates that the EL Method is not the usual autosuggestion where a certain believe or imagination is required in order to achieve any real effect.

The EL Method uses EMOTIONALLY DYNAMIC AUTOSUGGESTION. Its uniqueness consists of the fact that its effects are immediate and become imbedded in a person's unconsciousness whether he or she believes in the method or not.

What happens if I don’t notice any effects with the EL Method?

The EL Method has proven to be close to 100% successful if you suffer from one of the psychological or social inhibitions listed, which is due to one of the inhibition causes mentioned. However, if an abnormal phobia, a neurological disorder or any other psychological illness is present, then the person affected should seek medical advice.

In the unlikely event that the EL Method does not have any noticeable effect, then, without stating any reason, the purchaser may return the article to us for refund within one month of receipt of the goods. In this case the purchase price will be refunded in full immediately.

General Note

The EL METHOD serves only to systematically eliminate excessive inhibitions by creating new, free, and self-assured reaction and response systems.

The EL METHOD has a deep and lasting effect on one’s overall psyche. This also includes healing and improving effects on health in general. Even psychosomatic illnesses may be improved or even eliminated when using the EL METHOD.

However, German laws covering alternative practitioners prohibit advertising or using this method as a medical treatment and permit its use only for developing free and self-assured behavior patterns in a self-applied method. The described side effect is thus considered being only epiphenomenal.

The EL Method Forum provides you with the opportunity to exchange your experiences, voice your opinion, or provide suggestions. Do not be shy, ask any question you like, experienced users of the EL Method will gladly help as much as they can.

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