On the Road to Find Luck

On the Road to Find Luck
On the Road to Find Luck by Martin Kojc - Contains 11 chapters (164 pages) with CD-ROM

Why do long-held desires suddenly become reality?

Every desire, no matter how deep-seated, is automatically fulfilled once you know what you have to do.

Putting it into practice is based on simple and highly-effective principles.

Product ID: WZG-472-4 (Print)

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29.50 GBP

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The book "On the Road to Find Luck" teaches you in detail about a powerful anthroposophical principle, in order to obtain higher spiritual perceptions and in this way to enjoy a better life.

The accompanying CD-ROM includes detailed instructions for practical exercises, in order to anchor the newly-acquired skills even better.

Over the course of time, your former deep-rooted thought patterns will be replaced by creative and fulfilling thoughts. A powerful thought pattern emerges that automatically seeks goals.

With the aid of the exercises described, your new spiritual attitude will become a permanent powerhouse for your road to your luck.

Many a journalist has described these important teachings of Martin Kojc as the most important of his works.

The author picks up once again the fundamental ideas from his “The Textbook of Life“ and extends them through new findings from other perspectives. Much is still explained in a way that is relevant to putting it into practice.

A translated excerpt from the copy text found on the German language first edition:

“All those who already know the Kojc books about life will find an assortment of new discoveries, new readers, however, will find surprising revelations and effective rules of conduct for achieving a successful lifestyle.

The brilliant way in which this book essentially enlightens and leaves a mark on people, so that they can call forth their inner, positive energy and use it effectively, sets it apart and expresses a fundamental knowledge of spiritual origins that create our life."

"On the Road to Luck" is a self-study book, which will be of great benefit to the reader in identifying the reader’s own, individual road to luck and actually following it – it really is so much simpler that we ever thought!